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Ginekologija i porodništvo

Ukupno proizvoda: 2
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126 € 146 €

WILLIAMS GYNECOLOGY 4E, Barbara Hoffman, John Schorge

The only gynecological text that combines a medical reference and surgical procedural atlas into one volume has been fully updated and revised. This lavishly illustrated guide provides comprehensive coverage of the full spectrum of gynecologic healt
SKU: 9781260468014
145,20 €

WILLIAMS OBSTETRICS 26E, F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth J. Leveno, Jodi S. Dashe, Barbara L. Hoffman, Brian M. Casey

Williams Obstetrics has defined the discipline for generations of obstetrician-gynecologists. Written by authors from the nationally renowned University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Hospital, the new edition of this authoritative
SKU: 9781264598434
126,70 €